Author: kyobiblog


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Where? is my response to the pandemic, to the fear and anxiety that we have all lived with these last fifteen months. Human minds have a tremendous ability to respond to difficulties, not merely to overcome what is apparent but also to understand and accept what is incomprehensible or hard to accept.


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All / Coexistence & Harmony / Getting Started

Ambedkar was the chief architect of the Indian Constitution and he was a social reformer who advocated equality. He came from the much-discriminated untouchable community and he wrote Waiting for a Visa, a short book to highlight the reality of their situation for international readers. When he returned after five years of study at Columbia University, New York (USA), and London School of Economics, London (England), the oppression of casteism had been erased from his mind, only to be vividly revived by the people with whom he shared water, land, air, and cultural roots.